We exist to see the population of street boys in Maputo reintegrated back into society
Masana is a Christian day center and reintegration program fighting to end homelessness among Maputo youth through sustainable methods involving the existing family at the forefront.
Our base of operations involves street outreach as well as a day-center where we work with an ever-growing number of boys (age 18 and under) who consider the streets of Maputo, Mozambique their home. Poverty and problematic family situations are just a couple of the reasons that cause many boys to leave their families and seek refuge in the inner city. Once here, however, they are forced to face the realities of life on the street and the daunting task of returning home.
Through practical aid, transformative relationships, and careful reintegration involving the existing family, Masana works to end street living amongst Maputo youth. Since 2009, Masana has succeeded in reuniting over 150 boys into local homes.
We seek to invest in our boys for the entirety of their journey home, believing each one has the potential to change his direction in life and become a man of character, contributing to society.